Δευτέρα 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Nasa Mars announcement live: space agency gears up for press conference expected to reveal water found on red planet

Mars true-color globe showing Terra Meridiani
Nasa is set to make one of the biggest announcements in its history later, teasing the press conference with only a note saying that it will announce a Mars mystery has been solved.
"NASA will detail a major science finding from the agency’s ongoing exploration of Mars," it said in a statement. Many have expected that the event will bring an announcement that it has found water on Mars — a discovery that could lead to a whole range of new findings.
The conference begins at 4.30pm UK time, or 11.30am in Nasa's local Eastern Daylight Time.
The agency is set to release details of its findings, as well as take questions from reporters and members of the public.

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